Search your home, work or school address to find out if it is in a tsunami evacuation zone. 

Search your address or click on the map

Tsunami warnings will not be displayed on this map

This map shows the location of tsunami evacuation zones. It does not provide information about current tsunami warnings.  

During a tsunami, warnings and advisories are provided at link) and shared on radio and TV. You may also receive advice from your local civil defence emergency management group and receive an Emergency Mobile Alert

The colours of the tsunami evacuation zones relate to the areas that would need to be evacuated depending on the potential size of a tsunami.

  • Red: This area could be affected even by a small tsunami. It typically covers beach and marine areas and is the most likely area to be evacuated in a tsunami event.
  • Orange: This area could be affected by a large tsunami.
  • Yellow: This area could be affected by a very large tsunami.
  • Blue: For areas that use a single blue zone, this covers the area that could be affected by a tsunami of any size.
  • Purple: For areas that use a purple zone (Taranaki), this area could be affected by a very large tsunami.

Types of hazards | Ngā momo matepā

In New Zealand we have a lot of natural hazards. Find out what to do before, during and after each type of emergency.