The National Emergency Management Agency aims to meet the New Zealand Government Web Standards for Accessibility and Usability.

Accessibility features

The New Zealand Government Web Standard for Accessibility requires meeting the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 to Level AA.

We have aimed to reach Level AA and some Level AAA criteria, wherever possible. We have also written the site in plain language.

Some of our accessibility features include:

  • Appropriate colour contrast on all images
  • Keyboard navigation
  • Alternative text descriptions of images
  • Video captions and full text transcripts
  • Using html text instead of documents or images where possible
  • Making our forms easier to use
  • Making sure screen readers pronounce Te Reo Māori words, and
  • Clear information about hyperlinks to external websites.

Contact if you have any concerns or suggestions about our accessibility.

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The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 make a lot of recommendations for accessible web content. Find out more about the recommendations on the W3C website.